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Articles |  |  Feb 2, 2024

The Future Fund already invests in Australia. Could it be asked to do more?

Investor Strategy News points to Climate Capital Forum’s proposal in its pre-budget submission for the Future Fund to include a “strategic national interest objective”. Read more

Articles |  |  Feb 1, 2024

BlueScope receives funding for lower emissions project

Coverage of BlueScope Steel and LIBERTY Steel Australia receiving $200 million in grants from the federal government for projects that will lower emissions in steel production. Read more

Articles |  |  Feb 1, 2024

BlueScope ‘old’ blast furnace grant slammed by experts

The Climate Capital Forum responds to news of a grant to BlueScope Steel for a $1.15billion upgrade of its Port Kembla blast furnace – extending coal-based steelmaking for two decades: “while Australia procrastinates, developed world leaders are pivoting”. Read more

Media Releases |  |  Jan 31, 2024

Green Steel Supply Chains are Australia’s Top Decarbonisation Opportunity but a clear and credible commitment to moving to net zero is needed: Climate Capital Forum

Allocating taxpayer monies to support BlueScope Steel to invest $1bn to lock in high emissions blast furnace technology for the next 20 years is a missed opportunity according to Climate Capital Forum. Much stronger incentives are urgently needed to reduce – not support new – fossil fuel powered production. Read more

Submissions |  |  Jan 25, 2024

Pre-Budget Submission 2024-25

The world is currently in a technology, trade and finance race as the global energy transition takes hold and we grapple with the growing impacts of climate change and climate risk. Read our detailed recommendations to the Australian government on how we can capitalise on the biggest investment, employment, and net export opportunities this century, by proactively building a strategic national response proportional to the investment opportunity. Read more

Opinion |  |  Jan 24, 2024

Wind shapes as valuable piece in modern energy jigsaw

Wind executive and Climate Capital Forum member Satya Tanner and CCF strategic comms lead Amanda Caldwell explain why offshore wind offers an option to supply large, stable electricity for major energy consumers and regional employers, making it a valuable component, particularly as we move to and beyond 82 per cent renewables. It also can help reframe, power and rebuild Australian regional communities, giving people a say through public consultation, partnering with First Nations, and different ways of asset ownership. Read more

Opinion |  |  Dec 13, 2023

Nuclear energy is not viable for Australia, for a number of reasons

Opinion piece with John Grimes, CEO of the Smart Energy Council, Climate Energy Finance’s Tim Buckley, Rewiring Australia’s Dr Saul Griffith, Blair Palese of the Climate Capital Forum, Dr John Hewson and Mara Bun: There are a number of barriers that make nuclear unviable as a solution for Australia’s energy transition in a timeframe necessary to respond to the climate, energy and cost-of-living crisis. We need energy, decarbonisation and cost of living solutions this decade. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends a 50 per cent emissions reduction by 2030. As former Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel has noted, it is hard to imagine first operation of small modular reactor (SMR) technology before 2040. Read more

Media Releases |  |  Dec 13, 2023

Post MYEFO, there is no time to waste to step up the energy transition investment phase

Joint release with the Climate Energy Finance and Smart Energy Council: Incremental funding for Australia’s potential as a renewables driven critical minerals superpower of another $3bn in 2023 MYEFO does not come slightly near the scale and speed of investment and policy ambition that Australia needs. Read more

Presentations |  |  Nov 28, 2023

What Australia Needs to Do to Get In and Stay In the Global Decarbonising Market

Blair Palese, Founder of Climate Capital Forum and Freddy Sharpe, Philanthropist and Investor, presented to the Australian Climate Tech Festival & Awards 2023 in Sydney, November 2023 Read more

Opinion |  |  Nov 22, 2023

Why Anthony Albanese should absolutely be at APEC in San Francisco

Blair Palese, founder of the Climate Capital Forum, on how Prime Minister Anthony Albanese being on the ground at APEC shows that Australia wants to be at the table with the other alliance members as they navigate global decarbonisation, and that we are committed to working with our regional neighbours in the Indo-Pacific. Read more


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